Saturday, August 13, 2011

Whitten's First Rain!!!!

Our little love bug is almost 11 months old and has never witnessed rain. We are in the worst drought since the 50's and it has just been hot, hot, hot! So hot, that we don't do much outside these days! But two nights ago, our prayers were finally answered! We had an awesome rain shower that lasted quite a while....for West Texas, anyway! I wanted to remember this special day for two reasons. The first is obviously because it was Whitten's first rain! I put him to bed at 7:00 after Josh said that the storm was just going to pass us by! But about 30 minutes later the sky opened up and it began to pour! I had to get Whitt up so he could at least see it! Poor baby was so sleepy, and wasn't all that impressed.

I took him back to bed after about 10 minutes, and he just rolled over and passed back out!

The other reason that this was such a special moment was because Cooper's prayers were answered. He's been praying for rain for quite a while (his reasons for rain are obviously different than ours....he just wants to play in it). However, to know that God answers prayers (and not always right away) was such a sweet teachable moment! He is starting to get a little bit of an awareness of God and his awesome power. Yes, he's only 3, but it has to start somewhere! When it would thunder, Cooper would tell us that God was talking to him that He was saying "Let there be light" after he saw the lightning! He would clap after a really loud thunder and lightning episode because he swore God was having a good ole conversation with him! When it was all over, Cooper went outside and said, "Thank you, God." I mean, how sweet is that!
Sometimes I forget that 3 year olds are literal little beings! A few hours before it began to rain, Cooper kept asking if it was raining yet. The conversation went like this:

Cooper: Is it raining yet?
Josh: Cooper, do you see rain?
C: No
J: Well, then it's not raining yet. It will rain when God is ready for it to rain.
C: Well, I don't see God.
Me: Remember, he's in your heart and he can make it rain from your heart. (I know....that didn't make much sense, but it's what came out of my mouth)
C: But I don't want it to rain in my tummy!

Another funny:

The other day Cooper reached down in his shirt and told me he took God out of his heart because God wanted to fly....but "he crash like Buzz."

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