Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1st day of PreK-4

Complete and total blog neglect!  Our life has been a little hectic lately with moving in with my parents for a month before our new house(new to us...built in the 1960's) was ready (3 days ago)!  I've got to get back to it!!  I feel like poor Whitten has been neglected!  BUT....Coop had his 1st day of 4 year old preschool today!  We opted for the 3 day a week program instead of the 5 because....well, honestly I'm just not ready to do the whole "real deal" school thing yet.  We've got the rest of our lives to get up early, make lunches every night, iron clothes.....and, I'm still loving having him home with me.  Time is so precious, and I'm just going to soak it all up....because in a blink of an eye, he will be graduating high school.  No need to rush it!!

1st day of Prek-3 

1st day of PreK-4

(Whitt was excited to have Mommy all to himself!!  Which means, I'll just eat his little dimples all day long! Can't wait!)