Saturday, January 21, 2012

16 months!

Yikes! This one totally slipped up on me! We've had a rough last couple of weeks and I kind of forgot that my baby hit another month! Geez, Whitt's little personality is really coming out!

-Your little personality is completely polar opposite of your brothers! Case and point: If you are irritated, mad, sad, tired, hungry, would love to punch the lights out of anybody that crosses paths with you. I'm afraid that there are many fights that I might have to break up in the future! I'm scared you might have a little bit of a mean streak in you! We will cross that road when we get there! Coop didn't have this streak. He would cry, but he never attempted to knock me out!

-You are a picky eater and will still eat baby food! I'm about to put you through "big people food" boot camp! I am getting desperate for you to eat anything and you sure did gobble up a piece of pizza today! We topped it off with some baby food fruit. We shall see! You will eat chicken tenders, sometimes a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich. But your fruit and veggies still come from baby food! At least you are getting them!! You drink a cup of milk in the morning and a cup at night. You love Kashi cereal bars. If we stick something in front of your face that you have never had before, you will eyeball it for a while and just decide not to eat it because it looks funny...won't even taste it! You LOVE apple juice....which is new to us because Cooper wouldn't ever drink anything except for water.

-You love baths and scream when it's time to get out.

-You are sleeping through the night but will still wake up with the occasional screaming bloody murder episode. I rock you for a few minutes and you go right back down. You are down for the night between 7:00-7:30 and sleep until 6:30-7:30. You are still taking two naps. Down at 10:00 for about an hour. Second nap-down at 2:30-3:00 for about an hour.

-We finally got you into Mother's Day Out! You have only been twice, but so far so good! I have a feeling that this will help you transition into needing only 1 nap!

-You have FIVE teeth! Three on the top and two on the bottom!!

-MMMMOOOOMMMMAAAAAA'SSSSSSSS BOY!!! I don't know how else to explain it other LOVE your momma!!!!!!!! I am your world and I am thankful. Other than a few occasional "geez louise moments" and "can I please just go to the bathroom by myself" moments, I love that you love me and want to be with me all of the time. As my mom would say, " You're payin' for your raisin'." I think I'm still a bit of a momma's girl. I can't say that it's a bad thing.....and I'm hoping that when you are 32, you still wants to hang out with me!

-You are still into ev-er-y-thing!

-You understand soooo much, but are still aren't talking all that much. You can say ba (ball), mo (more) , no-no-no-no-no, ca (car), apple (pull and sometimes you actually say it correctly), baba (banana). You sign more, milk and all done. You would probably sign more if I knew the signs to teach you!!

-You can make the animal sounds for fish, cow, elephant, giraffe, kitty, monkey, duck (sometimes).

-You can identify your belly, nose, eyes, ear, mouth, hair. My favorite thing that you do right now is when we ask you where your belly is, you will pull up your shirt and play with your belly button...giggle giggle giggle, and then pull down your shirt and sign "all done".

-You still love to play with your brother, but you are totally fine playing by yourself.

-You love puzzles, shape sorter, and stacking blocks, but get super angry if you can't figure them out.

-Major texture boy! You love the velcro on your shoe. I often give it to you while I'm changing your diaper so that you will stay still. You LOVE LOVE LOVE eyebrows and will just rub on them all day long. You also love beards. You pretty much dive into Grandpa's arms when you see him so you can rub on his beard. You still put your arm to your mouth and suck away on your tongue when you are tired!

-You love books and will bring them to me all day long. I often find you in the front room flipping pages of your favorite books.

-You are quiet most of the time, but can jabber up a storm when you are in the mood!

-18-24 month clothes. Size 6 shoe. Size 4 diaper.

-You have been pretty sick lately and are looking rather bony. As I type this, I am listening to you cough in your crib. Yikes. First it was a double ear infection, croup, tummy bug for several days, another ear infection, and now you are snotty and coughing. It just never ends!

You are hilarious and so much fun to be around!! Daddy and I are just so in love with you!!! Slow down big boy! It's going too fast!

Mad you can't go outside!!!

Wanting to knock me out for taking your picture when you are mad!

Coop at 16 months!

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