Friday, July 23, 2010

How Does this Always Happen...

Josh and I have been saving for months in order to remodel our house. We finally decided to bite the bullet and do it all at one time. All new tile flooring (we have wood, but figured with 2 rowdy boys, that tile would be more durable), new baseboards, gut the kitchen and replace cabinets and and granite countertops, and paint the entire interior. But ya see, we live in an old in the late 50's, so instead we to spend our "remodeling money" on this.....

We found a slab leak in our kitchen. $ big deal, it doesn't set us back that much! But when they tore out our tile in the kitchen, another monster was discovered. Our drainage system (I guess the sewer stuff??) was no longer draining and was collecting old nasty water right in the same area of the slab leak. They had to bust up our patio and ruin our pretty back yard to get it all fixed. At the end of all this mess...we are left with a sad looking backyard and no remodeling! Well, we think we can still get the floors done right now, but I really wanted it all done before the baby got here! Pooo...

Can someone please explain to me why my child has such terrible table manners. I just don't get it?? Oh, but you see those cute little undies he's wearing. I've got good potty the next post!