While Cooper was playing this morning, he told me he had to poo poo in the potty!!!!!!! Can you tell our life revolves around Coop and his poop right now! Geez! My mom and dad are on a 2 week vacation and every time Coop goes to the restroom, I either call her or text her and we celebrate! And I don't know how many texts I've sent Josh at work telling him all about Coop's potty breaks!
Original Post:
Ok, maybe not TOTALLY potty trained...but almost!!! ; ) Coop's definitely got #1 down. He caught on really fast and hasn't had an accident in about a week. We don't even have to reward him anymore! We're still struggling with public restrooms though. He's gone one time and was totally cool with it, but now he seems terrified again! We'll see. He can hold that bladder like a champ!! Now #2...it's still a little bit of a struggle. The main problem is I don't think he associates that when he's pushing....it creates poop and that he needs to do that in the potty. That's why I was a little nervous about starting pt because he's never been that kid that tells you he has a dirty diaper and he wants it changed. Quite the contrary actually! He would run from us because he DIDN'T want his diaper changed...it was such a beating! But, we have been SUPER lucky on catching him right before or right as he starts, and we get him to the potty on time. He get's super excited about it when he does go on the potty, so we don't have any issues with being scared of saying bye bye to poop! Don't ask me where he got it, but Josh said something about putting turtles in the potty! That somehow made sense to Cooper! He thought it was hilarious and now he always talks about "making turtles in the potty!" Whatever works....right?? We have had accidents though. In fact, yesterday he was sitting on the potty and I was reading him a book and he got up and went in the other room and pooped on the floor. Today, he was sitting on the baby potty and started going and stood up and ran to the big potty to finish! So, I don't know! He's not resistant to it at all, so I know he'll get it!!! It just stinks having to stay home in order to catch him in action before we go out for the day! I will tell ya...this is an exhausting experience! But, I'm thankful I started now because I know he'll have it down before Whitten gets here! And thanks to my mom!!! I was ready to give up after the first day, but she gave me the motivation (and certain tips) to keep it going! Good thing!
Don't ask!!!! Coop thought it would be fun to wear his swimming goggles around the house!
This is Coop's first wasp sting! Yikes! We were at my Mimi's house! Cooper was begging to go in the backyard! Mimi and I were talking when all of the sudden we heard a blood curdling scream! So sad! I didn't have his Epi-pen with me, so as soon as he settled down, we headed back to the house just in case he had a reaction. Thankfully, he didn't!! But, it's been three days and his hand keeps swelling up and it itches really bad!