Friday, October 15, 2010

Whitt's One Month Stats!

Weight: 9 lbs. 12 oz-75 % WOWZERS!!! Fatty Magee! Whitt's gained 3 lbs. 11 oz. in one month! Coop was always in the 10-25% for weight!
Height: 21 1/2 inches-between 50 and 75%. He's grown 2 1/2 inches in one month!
Head circumference: 14 1/2 inches-25%. What can I say...we all have little noggins in our fam!

We had a scary episode with Whitten a few nights ago. I've had a cold for a week now! I completely lost my voice for 3 days and had a really hard cough. I was super nervous Whitt was going to get it, so I went to the doctor just to make sure. He basically said it was viral and there was really nothing he could do. He told me that there was no way that Whitten wouldn't be exposed, so to just keep nursing him and going about our daily routine! On Tuesday night after I nursed him, I couldn't get a burp out. So I laid him down in his crib for the night. He was fussy and Josh went in there to try to burp him again. Well, instead of a burp, he threw up all over Josh's shoulder and then threw his head back and immediately breathed in his throw up. We didn't realize right away that he was struggling to breathe because we were busy cleaning up. All of the sudden I looked at him knew something wasn't right! Josh went into doctor mode and flipped him over on his belly and started beating on his back. He was able to cry out, but couldn't inhale. His eyes were bugging out of his head and you could tell he was in major pain. Any time Josh stopped beating on his back, he would just stop breathing all together. After about 5 minutes, I decided I needed to call someone so they could help us out because he was really struggling and we were not able to get things under control. So 911 it was. Funny side story real fast! Josh had some things stolen out of his truck recently, so I told him we needed to start turning our alarm on again. Well, I always check if our garage is down before we go to bed, and when I opened the door to check, the alarm went off....and it's loud enough to wake up the neighbors...but Cooper didn't even move! So we reset it! When the emergency crews got here...we set it off again...and Coop didn't rouse one single bit! That boy could sleep through a tornado! Bad night to decide we needed to start setting the alarm! Anyway...back to the scary story! It truly felt like an eternity while we waited for 911 to get to our house! I even called a second time to see if they were really coming! Whitt was still continuing to struggle to breathe and CPR was the next step! However, as soon as they showed up W was able to dislodge whatever was choking him. He continued to foam at the mouth for about 30 minutes afterwards, but things seemed to calm down rather quickly. The crew stayed at our house for about 20 minutes to check his lungs and to make sure he was stable. They were super sweet and didn't comment on my pink robe and tall socks, Josh being in his boxers and my big ole boobie bra sprawled out on the couch! Whitt was very pale and clammy and had the shakes after all of the trauma! As soon as everyone left, he just passed out and slept for 7 hours. He slept in his swing 2 feet way from me while I slept on the couch! And no, I didn't sleep that night! If he was breathing too loud, I was worried he had junk in his lungs. If I couldn't hear him breathing, I was worried that he wasn't breathing at all! So, I think I got a whopping 30 min of sleep that night! I had to wake him up to eat! He ate for maybe 5 min and fell back asleep for several more hours! Guess that just wiped him out! It sure freaked us out! It's definitely not a moment I ever want to relive!


  1. Wow, that is really scary. Praise God that everything is okay.

  2. such a scary story!! so thankful all is well!! oh my......LOVE the little piggies pic!! cutest!!
