Saturday, December 3, 2011

A couple of randoms!

As I was uploading pictures from Thanksgiving, I ran across a few random ones that never got posted!

Whitten loves to play in Cooper's room! He often goes in there by himself, closes the door and just goes to town with all of Coop's toys! Any time this little booger disappears, I usually know where to find him!

Whitt recently got his haircut, and his curls magically reappeared! I missed them!
Coop LOVES going to the deer lease with his daddy!!! He's gone several times this year! I keep Whitt at home and it's so nice to spend some one on one time with him. It reminds me how easy life was with just one kiddo...and how I used to think it was so hard! Ha!

Cooper is trying to give up his nap! It's crazy how for 4-5 months he was taking 3 hour naps every single day. I would have to wake him up or he would have slept through dinner! Then suddenly he decided he didn't need to take them anymore! He usually starts fading by 5:30 and if we are ever in the car at that time....his lights go out! See...

But what's funny is he has started finding "creative" things to do during nap time! One of them being changing his underwear! Who knows...but he's always so proud of himself. However, it's usually on backwards! I certainly don't care what he does during nap long as momma gets some down time!

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