Friday, January 7, 2011


I thought since Whitt turns 4 months next week, we might as well get a head start with this rice cereal thing! We started Coop at 3 months because I was desperate to get some sleep.... and I was hoping it would help fill up his belly! Didn't work!! I haven't been in a rush with Whitten because well....he's a chunk and he's a pretty decent sleeper! And guess what folks, he loved it! It was basically "breast milk soup", but he sure did like it! I'm hoping he's a better eater than Coop! We've started off on the right track!

Whew! That was hard work and my belly is full! I need a nap now!

Coop goes to the bathroom all by himself now!! But this is what he looks like when he get's finished! He walks out with his pants around his ankles and clucks like a chicken?!?!? Who knows!! I think he and his friend, Brody, do this at school. He thinks it's pretty funny!! Guess we need to work on pulling up our pants!!

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