Sunday, May 2, 2010

Second thoughts!

So, I'm having second thoughts on our new baby's name! We've been calling him Cullen since before he was conceived, but now I'm stressing! Every time i tell someone what his name is, I have to repeat it and then spell it! Ugghhh! Some people even ask me if I said "Colon"...oh my! I don't want him to have to deal with that his whole life! I love the name and love the way it looks when it is written, so I'm stuck!!! Our runner up names were Nolan and Samuel! I just love the nickname Sam!!!! Naming Cooper was SO easy! I want this sweet boy to be proud of his name! Suggestions?!?!?
And just because......
My little man hard at work!! = ) Isn't he delicious!? I could totally eat him up!


  1. I am suprised they don't say "like the vampies?" It is very cute though- kinda sounds like Callyn!

  2. Oh no! I think Cullen is very cute and original. I don't know any Cullens.
