Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2 year stats

Weight: 27 lbs. (35%)
Height: 36 in. officially 3 ft. tall!! (90%)
I can't remember his head circumference. I just know that he's still in the 10% and it is growing nicely along the curve!! = ) Little pumpkin head!
So, what is Coop doing these days??? TALKING TALKING TALKING TALKING!!!! Man, oh man! His speech has really taken off and it's so fun to try to have a conversation with him. He is so animated and he uses his whole body when he's talking to you! And when he's not talking, his eyes do the talking for him! Beautiful brown eyes! They're so expressive.
  • He still knows all of his letters...upper and almost all lower
  • He knows most of the letter sounds
  • He's pretty darn close to being able to sing the abc's It's SOOO cute because he tries to sing in tune....and that's just never going to happen considering Josh and I are completely tone deaf!
  • He counts to 11 and can recognize numbers 0-10.
  • Colors- red, green, blue, yellow, purple, black, white, orange...think that's it
  • Shapes- circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, star, heart, crescent (he calls it a moon crescent) octogon
  • He loves to sing and doesn't get embarrassed any more!
  • He can jump and get was the first day!
  • He's ALL boy but so so so so affectionate. He loves kisses, hugs and cuddles. I just can't get enough of him. He will randomly come up behind me, hug my neck and say "I lub oo (I love you)!" It so neat that he knows what that means and he uses it appropriately!
Coop, you truly are our world. I can't imagine living on this earth without you. You complete Mommy and Daddy in every way, and we just thank you for being the little boy that you are! I've decided that there is no more room in my heart for anyone else, so I've already started growing another heart for your baby brother, Whitten! I now have three hearts that are completely filled up. One for you, one for Whitten, and one for Daddy! My three boys!!! I can't wait for you to meet your brother. I know that you will be best friends and will love each other so very much. I love you sweet boy.

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