Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wind Blown!

I was looking through old videos trying desperately to recapture Cooper's infancy...it's just going by WAY too fast and I've already started to forget what it was like to have a little baby! He's crawling around everywhere, cruising around the furniture and climbing on top of things. I found him sitting on my treadmill the other day with a big ole happy grin on his face...he was so proud of himself! He is talking so much more these days and LOVES hugs! Anyway, I found so many cute videos that have never been posted because I didn't jump into the blogging world until Coop was 5 months old! So, I just had to post this one of him being wind blown by Josh! He was exactly 3 months old and losing his hair! Poor little balding baby!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! I forgot how bald he was!!! He was sooo adorable, but now he is incredibly handsome. I love my Cooper!
