Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Whitten turns TWO!!!

Happy birthday to our precious Whitten!  I could write a 1,000 page novel about how amazing you are...but I feel like that wouldn't even do it justice!  You are so much more than I ever could have dreamed!  You make my heart smile every time I see that sweet dimpled face!  Mommy, Daddy and Cooper are so blessed to have you in our lives and we all love you with every ounce of our being!

So what's up with Whitt at the age of 2?

-You are still very much a momma's boy and want me and only me when you are unhappy.  But you LOVE your Daddy because he is so silly!

-You are talking up a storm...and in complete sentences.  I love to hear your sweet voice.  Some of my favorites...."Mommy here" (whenever you see me),  Mommy, where are oooo? (insert anyone's name when you are looking for someone), When we put on your shirt and you can't see, you immediately say "Where are oooo?" and giggle.  You sing the abc song constantly.  We sing "You are my sunshine" together and it M-E-L-T-S me. You love to sing and motion Twinkle twinkle and Patty Cake.  

-You are still way obsessed with letters and can recognize all upper and lower and their sounds.  You are putting the beginning sound together with actual words.  You can count to 20!!!!!  You know all of your shapes and a lot of your colors.  

-You are finally calling Cooper by his name instead of "Poo-poo".  It sounds more like "Kipper", but it's there and it's so sweet when I hear you say, "Kipper, come on!!" when you are wanting him to come play with you

-Your favorite shows are Bubble Guppies, Team Umi Zoomi and Mickey Mouse. 

-You are finally a better eater.  Better as in better....but not great!

-You are perfect in every way!  We love you sweet, sweet, sweet boy!

One Day

 One Week

 One Year

Two years

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