Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Starbuck's Lesson!

I know this blog was created to share precious pics of my adorable little angel, but I couldn't resist telling on my sweet husband!! Today, after he got home from work, he was sitting at the kitchen table looking at bills. All the sudden he said, "You know what? I got free coffee today!" I didn't really think anything of it at first....maybe they messed up on his order and just gave him a freebie! He sat there for a minute and said, " Yea, when I got to the window at Starbucks, the lady told me that someone in front of me had already paid for my order." Now, I'm not a regular at Starbucks, but I'm pretty sure this is a Starbucks tradition. I think I read somewhere that a "kindness chain" is started with someone paying for the person behind them, and then you are supposed to pay for the person behind you, and so on! I think the legend is that if you break the chain, you will have bad luck....or something like that!!!! He was so confused by the whole thing!!! I am beyond certain that he thought some girl in front of him thought he was cute, so she paid for his coffee....and was disappointed when I told him the real reason! are a few pics of precious Coop!!! There is not a day that goes by that I don't laugh so hard that I almost cry! I don't see how life could possibly get any better!

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