The countdown has begun!!! Wow! I can't believe I'm about to have a 1 year's just doesn't seem possible!
-Well, you have been back to your good ole sleeping habits! Down for the night between 7-7:30 and up between 6:30-7:00....but you always play in your bed for a good 20-30 minutes before you actually fall asleep and before you are really ready to get up!
-Your naps are pretty consistent! You can handle being awake 2 1/2 - 3 hours before you are ready for your nap. Each nap is about 1 1/2 hours (sometimes 2 hours). Everyone always told me, "Don't let your baby go past his limit, or it will be harder for him to go to bed." This statement was true for Cooper, but not for you. If I stretch you, you will go right down and sleep much longer!! ; )
-You are taking 4 bottles a day. You split your morning bottle. 4 oz first thing when you wake up, then breakfast, then 4 oz. before you go down for your nap. Lunch around 11:30 and a 5-6 oz bottle before second nap. Dinner around 5:30 and 8 oz bottle before bed. You are still on stage 2 baby food! Any time I try stage 3 you gag....and often throw up! more of that! You desperately want to eat big people have a hard time because you have NO teeth!!! You've had a couple of scary choking episodes so I've backed off of finger foods for a little while! You actually choked a couple of days ago and I almost called 911 because you just couldn't get it all out. I thought you had aspirated (deja vu from when you were 5 weeks old) and I panicked. You finally started sneezing and food and lots of mucus came out of your nose. For some reason, that seemed to clear it up. Choking is my worst, please don't do that again!
-Have I mentioned that you are 10 months and have not one single tooth!!! Because of this, I decided to start my research. I've read a lot about babies not getting teeth until their 1st birthday. Well, ok, no big deal! But then I read a post and one lady said her daughter didn't get teeth until she was 18 months old, and the first teeth to come in were her molars! Crazy! And, yes, I'm aware of the babies that just don't have teeth at all and have to have implants! Come on, Whitters, lets get some teeth!! I must say, you have the sweetest toothless grin ever!
-You are crawling everywhere! You always pull up to your keens, but you have just started pulling up to your feet! You don't do it all of the time....but you can! You cruised down the couch all by yourself for the first time the other day! You love, love, love to walk around holding my hands! Your new favorite thing to do is walk a couple of steps...stop.... let go with your left hand (always the left)....balance check and pretend your a big kid....reach back for my hand...and keep going! It's like you want to walk on your own, but realize you can't! I wouldn't be surprised if you're walking in the next few months!
-You can talk up a storm....but don't do it all of the time! You are all about mamamamama......but I don't think you are calling me "mama" yet. Dadadada is another fav! The mamamamama comes out when you are grumpy, tired or need soothing! The dadadada comes out when you are happy and in a good mood! Go figure! You've become super vocal the past few days...and you are l-o-u-d!!
-You are super shy!!! Or "coy"! I just looked up the definition of coy and your picture should be beside it. Here's what it said:
-making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring but is often regarded as irritating
-being treated him to a coy smile of invitation.
Of course Whitten's smile is not irritating, but he totally alludes to being shy, however, I think it's all an act to get people to melt over his dimples!! ; ) When a stranger is around, he loves to duck his head into my chest, then peek out to smile, and then duck again! It's so, so sweet!
-My sweet baby, you have decided that you actually like a little bit of lovin'! Not a lot.....just a little!! You now let me rock and sing to your before you go to sleep! These are the moments that I will treasure forever. When you woke up at 3 a.m. the other night, all you wanted was to be rocked. And at 3 a.m., I quietly rocked you with a big ole grin on my face trying to hold on to the moment, knowing that years from now, you will never let me rock you again (though I may try!!)!
-You are an independent little guy! You don't mind playing by yourself. However, you LOVE having your big bro around to play with as well!!!
-You are wearing 12-18 month old clothes
-Still a size 4 diaper
-Your hair is too long to mohawk now! That makes me sad because it totally fit your personality!
And Cooper at 10 months!