Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Day and a couple of Cooper Funnies!

We had a beautiful snow day this past week! Too bad I wasn't well equipped!! We had to make Coop some "trash bag" shoes and he had no gloves! Next year I will be better prepared!!

Coop says something funny every single day, but this is my favorite story as of right now.......
Any time we see a "mature" lady in the grocery store, Coop always calls them Nanny (great-grandmother on Josh's side). Well, actually he screams "Nanny" until they turn around.... they usually always do and they give him a sweet smile and talk to him for a few seconds.....and he just flirts away!! Well, just the other day we were doing our usual grocery shopping....he was talking to every Nanny he saw and having a grand ole time! As we were pulling up to check out, our cashier was also an older woman with snow white hair. I just assumed he was going to give her the Nanny treatment as well! soon as we pulled up, Coop screams "SANTA!!!!!!!!". I was so stinkin' embarrassed that I just totally ignored him and pretended he wasn't my child!!! I can't even tell you what her reaction was because I couldn't look at her in the face! My sweet Coop sure keeps me on my toes!


  1. Brian and Cassie CoxFebruary 26, 2010 at 8:20 PM

    Haha! I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this one! :-)

  2. Trash bag shoes.... genius idea! We put ziploc baggie shoes on our dog when it was muddy before we bought him some boots from the store! ;)
