Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I mean, seriously! Coop JUST got his hair cut like 3 weeks ago! Look at this mop on his head.....already!!!!! (I know...another high chair pic, but it's the only way I can capture him on camera these days)!

AND...we have officially become Mr. Independent! It totally happened over night! Monday morning I could feed him his yogurt....Tuesday morning I was not allowed within 3 feet of his spoon or he would throw the ugliest hissy fit you have ever seen! His little independent personality has completely emerged! Also, I am now completely jealous because I am no longer Cooper's #1. He looks out the window all day calling for Daddy. He walks around looking for him all over the house. The minute Daddy walks through the door....I no longer exist!!! Cooper, just to let you know, I take care of you ALL day long and YOU HAVE YET TO CALL ME MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He calls everyone else by name except for me! I've been called "Bob" several times, but never mommy! I can't wait to hear that word on your lips! Speaking of words....Cooper's language has really taken off the last couple of weeks! It's so fun to hear him speak intentionally and to actually make sense! Don't get me wrong, he still speaks fluent Mandarin, French, German and Spanish, but he does have several words in ENGLISH!!! Except for mommy! = (


  1. You're so funny! I totally relate on the hair thing...we went really short last time so it would last longer. He's a mop-head again! ;)

  2. Okay, I can't relate on the food stuff yet but I still have no name. Matt has been Dada for months but I get nothing. It hurts. Hang in there with the assertion of the independence though. I hear 18 months is about the normal time for that to begin!

  3. Bob, don't let it get you down...he is still the cutest ever!! Oh, and I can only get pics of Audrey in her bouncy seat. Pretty much 90% of her pics are in the bouncy seat! Go highchair!!
