Monday, October 22, 2012

Whitt Bit!

My sweet boy FINALLY feels better!  We've had a rough couple of weeks!  He had a yucky cold and then we swore he was getting his 2 year molars.  He would be starving and want to eat, but as soon as he started chewing, he would scream in pain and spit it out.  Well, he feels great now and is eating again, but I don't see any 2 year molars.  Who knows!!!  BUT, I am so happy to have my happy boy back!  However, the tantrums are now at a whole new level!  Whew!!  When he gets mad...he gets MAD!!  When things are going his way, life is great.  However, if you happen to ask him to do something to do he doesn't want to do.....I can't even describe the horrific-ness that ensues!  He's had lots and lots of time outs.  And for right now, it works.  We never did time-outs with Cooper!  Cooper was such a pleaser (and still is) that all we had to do is look at him and he would melt.  I'll never forget when I took Whitten in for a check-up when he was little bitty....he was screaming because Dr. N was touching him!  He told me over a year ago that Whitten was going to be the child that will hold his breath and thrown really bad temper tantrums!!!!!  Um....first of all,  how can you tell at 6 months old....second of all, he was TOTALLY correct!  Geez!  I love love love love that sweet boy, but we've got our hands full with him!  At least he's super duper cute!!!


  1. Oh my goodness I'm glad I read this post. Read mine from yesterday :) Mason is a total terror these days it seems!

    1. Whew! Glad to know someone else in our shoes!!! He's our "spirited" child!!!
