Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sick Sick Sick

WARNING.....nasty pictures of what my strep throat looks like will be available for your viewing pleasure if you're into that kind of thing! As sick as I feel, I think it looks kind of cool! So don't scroll down to the bottom if you have a weak stomach!

Sooo...our little family has always been rather healthy. After we figured out that Cooper's chronic croup was allergy induced, we've been good to go! It wasn't until Josh started his new job that we started having some sickies! He is in an out of hospitals all day long and I'm sure he's exposed to quite a bit! We've joked that I am going to have to put a shower outside so that he can disinfect himself before he comes in!!! It started out with....Whitten having a double ear infection, then croup, then a throat infection, then a 5 day tummy bug (that everyone got except for me) and now Josh and I both have strep! I am praying with every ounce of my being that my boys don't get it! YUCK!! I don't know how they can avoid it because I was kissing all over them the day before I tested positive! Oh, and that was fun!! Josh brought a strep kit home to test me AND a shot!! Well, it was obviously positive, but when he was going to give the shot, he couldn't find the needle. Cooper kept saying, "Give Mommy a shot and I'm going to laugh at her." Oh the sympathy! Anyway, he had to go up to the local drug store to get another needle! He didn't tell me this before he actually gave me the shot, but he had to use an 18 gauge! He explained to me that the lower the number, the bigger the needle! A 21 gauge is usually used for this kind of drug, but I guess they didn't have one available! To tell you the truth, he did a great job and I didn't really feel a thing! Well, I felt a little bit, but I guess I have enough cushion on my tush that it helped soften the blow! I looked at the needle afterwards and I almost threw up!! That sucker was big!! It's been a little over 24 hours and I still feel awful! Hoping that in the morning I feel much better!

So here are the nasty pictures!! The first one was taken at 9:00 this morning. The second one was taken at 9:00 tonight! It's amazing how fast this bacteria grows!!

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