Sunday, September 11, 2011

September Randomness!

Playing in Cooper's room!

Before church!

Bow hunting practice in the backyard!

I totally took a major risk on taking these pictures. I have a thing about physically seeing and touching my babies every night before I go to bed. This was taken around 9:30 p.m. one night! Major flash went off...but I just couldn't resist! And, no, he didn't wake up! Thank goodness!!

And here is a little glimpse of what 5:30 p.m. looks like around our house these days (and no...he doesn't usually have pink sheets...only when his are in the washing machine)! Cooper is not going down for a nap until 2:30-3:00. And then I have to literally pry him out of bed at 5:30. He's so grumpy and hard to wake up. He would sleep until 7:00 or later if I let him. This has been going on for about 3-4 weeks! I'm struggling with whether or not I need to just take the nap away. However, Whitten also sleeps at this time! Get my point?!? I don't think it will be long before Whitt transitions to one nap, so I guess I can handle this for the next couple of months! Cooper's bedtime is 8:30- 9:00, which I totally dislike, but it won't be like this forever!

Yep, he naps in his undies. It's too hot to wear clothes!!!!!

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