Saturday, March 5, 2011

Picture of my little flathead!

It's hard to get a good picture of Whitten's head that shows the severity...well, it's not considered severe, it just looks severe to me! It's like chasing a moving target, and I can't get a good angle that shows how flat it is!

We went shopping yesterday and I totally forgot that my baby is going to be in a helmet for the majority of the summer! So silly me bought him a hat! I thought I needed to get a few pics of our little chubby boy sporting this ever so cute hat before he has to wear his ugly "hat" 23 hours a day! No, we didn't color coordinate! Ha!! He's in his pj's and the color contrast is kind of an eye sore...but his dimples sure are cute!! ; )

Our little guy has finally found a way to soothe himself!! He sucks on his little lip! I need to get a video of it because you can't really tell what he is doing in this picture! And homeboy goes to town! Sucks on that lip all day long!! ; )

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