Monday, March 8, 2010

Somebody has a Secret.....

(I had to add his "cheese" picture because now he does this every time I get out the camera...whoops!!)
Due September 23!!


  1. tell cooper that the secret was out and i already knew!!! so happy for yall! and it looks like someone got a haircut!!!

  2. I am so excited for you guys! CONGRATS! Cooper will make a fabulous big brother!!

  3. oh my goodness gracious!!! thank you jesus........what a precious little blessing! and cooper will be the sweetest big brother!! so so happy for you guys!!!

  4. Brian and Cassie CoxMarch 9, 2010 at 5:26 AM

    Congratulations! I have been waiting for this post...every time I click on your blog I wonder if it will be an announcement. :-) So happy for you guys!!

  5. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I too have been waiting for this post!!!!!! So excited for you guys!!!!!! Having two is so much fun!!!!!! Miss you guys and wish you all the best!!!!!!

  6. So VERY excited for you! :) Cooper is adorable!

  7. Yay! Congrats! I can't wait to see if Cooper is going to have a little brother or little sister!!!!

  8. Congratulations. My prayers for a wonderful pregnancy!
