Anyway, we turned on Bibbit (aka Leap Frog: The Letter Factory) and he was just talking up a storm telling us all about the letters and the bibbits. He wasn't really too feverish....about 100, but nothing that I was concerned about. Josh got home(and cleaned up Coopi's mess...such a sweet hubby)....DeeDee went home about 11....Coop went back down about 11:30.
1:00 a.m......"Momma-ho". So, Momma-ho cleaned up Coop and the second round of throw up and put little man in bed with us. He slept until about 3:30 and woke up moaning and was really hot, so I took him in the other room so Daddy could sleep. AND we were up until 6:30. Mind you, we weren't throwing up.....just watching tv!!! Ahhhh! I was so mad at myself for even turning it on, but it was the only thing that helped him to settle down and stop being fidgety. Big mistake! ( Side note: Coop loves tv, so we have to really monitor it. He gets about 45 minutes spread out throughout the day. Ha! I totally just defended myself! But we really don't let him sit in front of the tv all day!) Anyway, I'm so thankful that I wasn't cleaning up puke and duke all night, but Momma-ho was tired and Coop wouldn't sleep anywhere. He finally fell asleep on me at 6:30. I debated on whether or not to put him down or just sleep on the couch, but I knew I wouldn't sleep at I risked it, and he went right down. He woke up at 9....grumpy, but not miserable! We haven't had any more throwing up so far, so hopefully we're in the clear. I know it could have been a MILLION times worse, so I'm thankful that our first all nighter was not all that adventurous!!! = ) Oh, and to end the day off with a bang. Josh got home from work at 5 and I ran to Rosa's to get dinner. Um...I was going 50 in a 35 and got pulled over. I just knew I was going to jail for going 15 miles over the speed limit. I guess the cop took one look at me and felt sorry for me (i'm pretty sure I didn't brush my teeth that gives you an idea on what i looked like!) But Cop Johnson just gave me a warning!!!! Note to self: don't drive when you've only had about one hour of sleep!!
Cadence did the same thing the other night! 3 times during the night she started crying and calling Mama.....I went in to find the same. Hopefully he'll get better soon. She had diarrhea for 2 weeks after though - fair warning!!!