Sunday, October 25, 2009

While Dee Dee's Away....

We are all ready for Dee Dee to get home, but while she was away, we had a blast! My mom takes care of my niece, Belyn, during the day, and since she went to Houston to see her other grandbabies, I had the opportunity to take over her job!!!! It was so much fun to see our little "twins" play and interact together! They are so funny!!!! I would say more, but the pictures tell the story! Oh......I do have to tell this one funny though!!!! Belyn and Coop are two weeks apart, but she is SUPER vocal! I think she was born talking! Cooper took something away from B and she walked over to him and said, "Bebo, be nice!!" (she calls him Bebo and her brother, Conner, calls him Footoo!!!) Anyway, it was quite hilarious! She is SUCH a girl and he is SUCH a boy!!!

Belyn just woke Coop up...they were really excited to see each other!
"No thanks! I don't want any of your breakfast!"
B took Coop's toy away!

"No I didn't! Don't I look innocent!"

Well, Coop got her back!! He stole her toy!
That's better....playing TOGETHER!!
Haha...I got it from him!

Oooh...this toy is fun to ride!
....until Coop tries to steal it from her!
Ok....let's compromise! B rides....Coop pushes!
Maybe not! See that little stinker in the background! Looks like Coop won this one!!
So the score: Belyn-1. Coop-1.

K...let's go outside!
Coop loves his sandbox! He's using his shovel so nicely!
WAIT....Mom, she stole it from me!
Sooooo sad!

Ha...! I got it back! See how sweet we can be!!!

Final score: Belyn-2. Coop-1. Who am I kidding....there were WAY more tiffs than that! I'm pretty sure they ended up even!
I really had a blast hanging out with these two! I get to do it all over again tomorrow!!!! Maybe I'll be ready for Dee Dee to come home by then! = )