Friday, September 11, 2009

My Love....

I just thought I should to post a few pics of my honey-worm! (That's for Gabby, Pa-Grumps and Nanny!!) However, the nickname seems fitting! I needed a pick-me-up today....and Coop's always my remedy! He can make the worst day so much brighter!

"What up, yo!"

Coop's new favorite animal sound is the "camel". He was laughing hysterically in the next few pics. He tries to do it and it is high-larious!!

Folks....we have a climber! I'm dreading the day that he decides he should climb out of his crib! I'm sure it's right around the corner!

YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delicious. I could totally Eat. Him. Up!

Reading Mommy a book!

1 comment:

  1. Cooper-"Mommy please get me a haircut!"
    Ha- who cares, he is still the cutest little boy I know!!
