Monday, August 10, 2009

15 month stats

I love Elmo!

Another eventful day with a tried blood draw and shots!!! I guess Coop's veins are really deep because they just can't seem to get any blood! Poor baby! However, this time Josh came with me and he had the pleasure of holding our horrifically ticked off son down! He's was late to work....but I told him they could fire him because there was NO way I could do it again! Try holding your screaming baby down when they've got a needle in their arm for about 2 minutes...NO FUN!! While he's still crying and upset...out roll the shots! Our sweet nurse is super fast and they are always so good with Coop, it just sucks!! Thank goodness for short attention spans...he was laughing and ready for a cracker by the time we got to the car! Oh, and Daddy called twice from work today to check up on you!

Weight: 22 lbs (25 %)

Height: 31 1/2 in (50-75 %)

Head circumference: 18 in. (10%) His little noggin is still growing.... he just took after both his mom and dad!! Little nugget head! = ) He's been on the same growth curve since the beginning! I really thought he would weigh more than that feels like he's gained 5 pounds in the last month! = )

This is what you're doing Cooper- You're running around all over the place. You've hit all of your milestones...well....except for talking! You speak brilliant, beautiful, and extremely fluent Chinese!!! You do have some, ball, Dee Dee(my mom), sometimes dada, CHEESE, he says "ba" for banana. You know what everything is and follow commands. Let's take a bath (straight to the bathroom) Are you hungry (to the fridge), Let's play (to the play room), where's Elmo (brings you Elmo), where are your shoes (bring your shoes), Lets go outside (straight to the door). I don't know....there are more. You have some signs....milk, more, all done.....!!!! You could have some more, but momma doesn't know them to teach you. I'll work on that. You absolutely LOVE to read books, you love for mommy and daddy to chase you, you love Elmo, you LOVE your barn that Mimi got you for your could play with it all day, you point at the kitty and tell her no, no, no, you're finally eating!!!!, you sleep 11-12 hrs. a night, you still take two naps (1 1/2-2 hrs each), you've learned how to throw a pretty hilarious temper tantrum....but if we're not watching, you will get up and move so that we can see you, you love Cheese....we have to spell it out now, you love the water, you are a major momma's boy and daddy's your hero, you love to be held, you love to snuggle....but you love to get rough and wrestle with dad, you love to play put your hands over your eyes and pull them away really fast and say BOO!, you clap, point and wave bye bye ( you wave at're such a flirt). I'm sure there are a million things that I am missing, but I'll remember them later....and then forget when I want to write it down. You make me laugh so hard that I almost cry every single day. These last 15 months have by far been the most beautiful days of our lives. You bring so much joy into our lives and I truly can't remember what life was like before you were here! I just don't understand how a heart can love someone this much!

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